Thursday, 28 February 2008

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Regis Tosetti

Regis Tosetti has some quality work here.

Guys and Dolls

Cool art pix by photographer Anoush Abrar.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Jerome Bel

The second is Art performance "Jerome Bel: 1995" at the Sadler's Wells. A very good serious-but-funny-but-serious performance created by the french artist. Quite "unusual" (well the "Contains Nudity and on-stage urination" warning written on the ticket should have warned me), but the wit tone of the all act makes you quickly forget the strangeness of it. Some more Jerome Bel perfomances coming up soon, definitely worth checking out.

The Masque

Not much time this week to write accurate reviews but just wanted to point out the 2 shows i went to see this week end. First, The Masque of the Red Death at the BAC. Crazy project by the bold guys from Punch Drunk. I know a lot as been said about their plays and about the notion of theatre.....but i just loved it. A must see. Info here.

Friday, 1 February 2008

Chris O'Shea

Some really interesting work by interactive designer Chris O'Shea.
I particularly like the Out of Bond project. (pic).
Check the videos on his website.